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Старый 31-03-2009, 19:32     #191
Зарегистрирован: Oct 2008
Сообщения: 1 036
indeed отсутствует

Сообщение от Assassin Посмотреть сообщение
Моей маме английский долгое время не давался. Причем, в основном с речью, произношением были траблы... Думаю, сказался другой язык - она всю жизнь общалась с немцами и "перестроиться" сложно было. А потом пошла на курсы, и сейчас очень хорошо заговорила
А еще она ОЧЕНЬ старается запомнить-записать все слова, которые слышит где-либо, и весьма быстро пополняет свой словарный запас
Мне иногда за свой аж стыдно
К слову, ей 68 лет.
Мама просто молодец! Буду стараться! Как бы мне в грамматику врубиться, особенно научится ее применять в разговоре...
Старый 31-03-2009, 19:46
ответ для belly на сообщение "а где вы диски покупаете?"
Зарегистрирован: Mar 2008
Адрес: м. Нарвская
Сообщения: 1 822
Salita отсутствует

Сообщение от belly Посмотреть сообщение
а где вы диски покупаете?
На ozonе.
Старый 31-03-2009, 20:58
ответ для Salita на сообщение "На ozonе."
Зарегистрирован: Dec 2007
Адрес: Космонавты
Сообщения: 3 746
belly отсутствует

Сообщение от Salita Посмотреть сообщение
На ozonе.
это что???
Старый 31-03-2009, 21:25
ответ для belly на сообщение "это что???:016:"
Зарегистрирован: Mar 2008
Адрес: м. Нарвская
Сообщения: 1 822
Salita отсутствует

Сообщение от belly Посмотреть сообщение
это что???
Старый 31-03-2009, 21:29     #195
White rabbit
Зарегистрирован: Dec 2006
Адрес: Выборгский район
Сообщения: 2 384
White rabbit отсутствует

Сообщение от Игривый оценщик Посмотреть сообщение
... Куча информации. Вот войду в рабочее русло, поделюсь новыми находками. И, может получится всеж собраться на первую встречу нашего "клуба"....
Прекрасная идея. Я, например, отчетливо понимаю, что из-за отсутствия практики все мои старания в изучении языка бодрым маршем проходят мимо.
Старый 31-03-2009, 21:33
ответ для Salita на сообщение ""
Зарегистрирован: Dec 2007
Адрес: Космонавты
Сообщения: 3 746
belly отсутствует

Сообщение от Salita Посмотреть сообщение
Старый 01-04-2009, 11:17     #197
Игривый оценщик
Профиль Игривый оценщик
Зарегистрирован: Apr 2006
Адрес: м. Комендантский пр-т
Сообщения: 1 439
Игривый оценщик отсутствует

Девочки, если позволяет интернет, то куча аудиокниг, фильмов есть на и
можно скачать и слушать, слушать, слушать.
Я на работе сижу с наушником в одном ухе...слушаю сейчас Дневник Бриджит Джонс на английском
Когда двигаюсь куда-то, то диалоги слушаю в плеере ))


Вот некоторые полезные грамматические соответствия:
  1. Известная всем конструкция “there is/are”.
    Чтобы сказать «В комнате одно окно», строим предложение так: “There is a window in the room”.
  2. Не забываем, что все неодушевленные предметы и животные (кроме, домашних любимцев) – это “it”, а не “he” или “she”.
  3. Учитесь находить скрытые глаголы “to be” и “to have”.
    Он дома. – He is at home.
    У меня есть… - I have…
    Книга у него. – He has the book.
    Она – врач. – She is a doctor.
  4. Читайте между слов.
    Например, чтобы сказать «И я потанцую», нужно понимать, что имеется в виду «Я потанцую тоже» - I will dance too, а не “And I will dance”.
  5. «Тоже» в отрицательном предложении – это "either”, например:
    Я тоже туда не пойду. – I will not go there either.
  6. Помните об одном отрицании, например:
    Ничего не скажу. – I will not say anything.
  7. Не забывайте, что в английском предложении всегда должно быть подлежащее и сказуемое.
    Если нет нормального, должно быть формальное, например:
    Ветрено. – It is windy.
    Кстати, снег и дождь в английском языке ходить не умеют.
    У них «дождит» и «снежит»: It rains. It snows.
  8. Разграничивайте синонимы:
    Тяжелая задача. – Difficult task.
    Тяжелая сумка. – Heavy bag.
    Легкий вопрос. – Easy question.
    Легкий ноутбук. – Light laptop.

    В повседневной жизни важно понимать разницу в употреблении:
    to make – to do
    to tell – to say
    to come – to go
    и т.д. и т.п.
  9. Используйте слова-заместители:
    Эта книга толще, чем та. – This book is thicker than that one.
  10. Поначалу в неподготовленной речи проще будет использовать разделительные вопросы, в которых вторая часть – это слова “yes” и “right”.
    Вы говорите первую часть вопроса (обычное повествовательное предложение), а затем лепите к ней “…, yes?” или “…, right?”, например: You drink coffee, right?
    Однако со временем старайтесь успевать быстро построить вторую часть в уме, по правилам грамматики, с помощью вспомогательного глагола и личного местоимения, например: You locked the door, didn't you?
  11. Доведите до автоматизма правильное построение условных предложений касательно будущего.
    Например: I will help you, when I come.
  12. Я не могу не сделать этого. – I cannot but do it.
взято отсюда
Старый 01-04-2009, 11:46     #198
Активный участник
Зарегистрирован: Sep 2008
Сообщения: 299
Zero отсутствует

Игривый оценщик, А почему, у Вас грамматика по Мерфи? Лучше или дешевле? Мы по Round up с детьми занимаемся, с грамматикой особых проблем нет, стараемся набрать лексику.
Занимаюсь сейчас примерно так, распечатываю текст, слушаю его пару часов в плеере, читаю, разбираю, разные времена подчёркиваю разным цветом, смотрю почему именно это время использовано, а не другое. Учу незнакомые слова, стараюсь воспроизвести текст по-памяти.
Сегодня тема - характер, могу и вам скинуть, кому интересно, это Пахотин "Живой английский", если нужен, могу и перевод скинуть. Можете раскритиковать мою систему, мой учебник, любая критика принимается.

I'm five foot eight. I'm not sure what that is on the metric scale — I think it's one metre seventy, or something like that. So I'm quite tall. I'm over¬weight I think, although people say I'm not, I don't know how much I weigh, 'cause I always find it too depressing to weigh myself. I don't feel I take as much exercise as I should. I used to go to a gym, but I found it really boring. My main exercise is walking — I walk everywhere — and swimming, which is fine for giving you good stamina and broad shoulders, and it's good for your heart and lungs. I have very short hair. I had it cut recently, because if you go swimming every day, which I try to, then it's much more convenient to have really short hair. It doesn't get in the way, you can dry it really quickly, and you don't have to take gel and all sorts of hair products to the swimming pool every time you go. It's light brown. It's much fairer in the summer, and in the winter it gets darker. I have blue eyes. I wear contact lenses — well I wear one, in one eye.
I think I'm quite easy-going, I get more stressed out than I used to, but I think it's just the pressure of work, as journalism can be quite stressful. As a journalist, you always have deadlines. You have to write some thing by a certain time and if you don't get it done, then the editor gets really mad. I think I'm quite shy, I never really used to like meeting people, and got quite shy and nervous and had nothing to say for myself, but now I feel much more comfortable. If you have a job or you have something you can tell people about, you can have self-confidence.
I'm not particularly religious. My family isn't reli¬gious at all. We never went to church. The only times I've been to church recently were for wed¬dings and funerals. I remember when I was little though, I used to really love singing. At the age of about seven, I wanted to go to church because I wanted to sing the hymns, as they have good tunes. So my attitude to life is not particularly reli¬gious, although I do believe in some kind of spiri¬tual life. In the spiritual world, I find the Eastern religions much more appealing. So, when I wrote about Hungarian Buddhists, it was particularly interesting. I think reincarnation is a fascinating subject and I believe in it to some extent. I feel you always have to keep an open mind, be prepared to learn new things and meet new people, and always try to live in the best way that you can and not hurt other people.
You learn through the experiences of all the things that happen to you. 'whenever life is really bad, you have to think that well, you know, maybe you can learn something from it. So, if you have a bad time or something really sad happens in your life, you have to try to find a positive side to it. AH kinds of terrible things happen all through your life, there's death and violence and all the awful things you read about in the newspapers every day, and you just have to... I suppose... try not to get too depressed by everything and think about the posi¬tive side of things.
1 don't know if I'm particularly obsessive, habit-wise. I like to do different things each day. That was why I started being a freelance journalist, because every day is different. I hate being in some kind of routine which is always the same every day and I can easily get bored if I don't have some kind of intellectual stimulation all the time. That's why it's interesting to live abroad, in another coun¬try. There's always something that's different, there's always something new, something to learn,
I'm similar, I think, in personality to my mother. People always say that she's really calm and easy¬going. She's always very friendly to guests and visi¬tors, and if I take Mends home to stay, she's always really nice and charming to them, although she can be quite critical of people. I don't know if this is a particularly English thing, where on the surface people seem so polite and friendly but maybe behind somebody's back they're not quite the same person, but it has been in my experience. My mother always has an interesting outlook on life, and she's very perceptive. She often points out lit¬tle things that I don't notice.
My dad is very placid, he's very calm and very sweet. He's a great big man, over six foot tall, but now he's had a hip operation, he can hardly walk, which is sad because he has had such an active and sporty life. He's still quite cheerful generally, but the pain makes him really grumpy and depressed at times. He watches TV a lot now that he's retired and he still bets on horses, a great hobby of his. He's very soft and sweet, not a typical strict father, and he's always been very easy-going. When I was a child, both my parents were very relaxed, and I could do what I wanted to most of the time. I could learn to drive when I was seventeen, take the car out and go and visit friends, and they would never say things like "You must be home at twelve o'clock!", or "Where have you been?". They would always be almost disinterested in a way, kind of detached. They had an attitude like "Let the chil¬dren get on with their own lives and don't inter¬fere!". Maybe it might seem like they didn't care, or that they were cold, but I don't know, it's just the English way, They don't want to interfere as much in other people's lives, and let people get on with their own thins.
I sometimes think I hardly know my brothers, because when I was little, while I was growing up, they weren't at home. One was away at boarding school and the other one at university, so I hardly ever saw them. I've seen my brother Nigel much more recently. He's very funny, he's always really witty and you can have a good laugh with him and joke about. I've seen my other brother so rarely of late, but we talk on the phone a bit these days. He calls me from Hong Kong or sends me E-mail at work, and that's quite nice, to re-establish contact. I think we're all quite similar. We're all quite easy¬going, hard-working, and enjoy being busy all the time and don't like just sitting around and doing nothing. My friend Jo lives in London. She's now a televi¬sion producer. She makes films for BBC and for Channel 4 about all kinds of really strange and interesting subjects. We met at university when she was studying Spanish, and for a while I studied Spanish so I knew a lot of people in that depart¬ment, I think we became friends through social activities though. We used to go out to discos all the time, or concerts and we ended up sharing a flat in Leeds, but then we lost touch with each other for quite a long time. She's very artistic, one of these people who's very intense and highly-strung. So, she can be very sensitive, or then sud¬denly she can be very affectionate, and then very angry....
Старый 01-04-2009, 12:21     #199
Игривый оценщик
Профиль Игривый оценщик
Зарегистрирован: Apr 2006
Адрес: м. Комендантский пр-т
Сообщения: 1 439
Игривый оценщик отсутствует тут видиуроки английского (британец ведет), очень веселый и интересный))

Насчет разговорного языка, по сути, можно же найти в скайпе собеседника ( по типу платного учителя, только бесплатного).
есть опыт у кого-нибудь?
Старый 01-04-2009, 12:29     #200
Игривый оценщик
Профиль Игривый оценщик
Зарегистрирован: Apr 2006
Адрес: м. Комендантский пр-т
Сообщения: 1 439
Игривый оценщик отсутствует

Сообщение от Zero Посмотреть сообщение
Игривый оценщик, А почему, у Вас грамматика по Мерфи? Лучше или дешевле? Мы по Round up с детьми занимаемся, с грамматикой особых проблем нет, стараемся набрать лексику.
Занимаюсь сейчас примерно так, распечатываю текст, слушаю его пару часов в плеере, читаю, разбираю, разные времена подчёркиваю разным цветом, смотрю почему именно это время использовано, а не другое. Учу незнакомые слова, стараюсь воспроизвести текст по-памяти.
Сегодня тема - характер, могу и вам скинуть, кому интересно, это Пахотин "Живой английский", если нужен, могу и перевод скинуть. Можете раскритиковать мою систему, любая критика принимается.

I'm five foot eight. I'm not sure what that is on the metric scale — I think it's one metre seventy, or something like that. So I'm quite tall. I'm over¬weight I think, although people say I'm not, I don't know how much I weigh, 'cause I always find it too depressing to weigh myself. I don't feel I take as much exercise as I should. I used to go to a gym, but I found it really boring. My main exercise is walking — I walk everywhere — and swimming, which is fine for giving you good stamina and broad shoulders, and it's good for your heart and lungs. I have very short hair. I had it cut recendy, because if you go swimming every day, which I try to, then it's much more convenient to have really short hair. It doesn't get in the way, you can dry it really quickly, and you don't have to take gel and all sorts of hair products to the swimming pool every time you go. It's light brown. It's much fairer in the summer, and in the winter it gets darker. I have blue eyes. I wear contact lenses — well I wear one, in one eye.
I think I'm quite easy-going, I get more stressed out than I used to, but I think it's just the pressure of work, as journalism can be quite stressful. As a journalist, you always have deadlines. You have to write some thing by a certain time and if you don't get it done, then the editor gets really mad. I think I'm quite shy, I never really used to like meeting people, and got quite shy and nervous and had nothing to say for myself, but now I feel much more coinfortable. If you have a job or you have something you can tell people about, you can have self-confidence.
I'm not particularly religious. My family isn't reli¬gious at ail. We never went to church. The only times I've been to church recently were for wed¬dings and funerals. I remember when I was little though, I used to really love singing. At the age of about seven, I wanted to go to church because Iwanted to sing the hymns, as they have good tunes. So my attitude to life is not particularly reli¬gious, although 1 do believe in some kind of spiri¬tual life. In the spiritual world, I find the Eastern religions much more appealing. So, when I wrote about Hungarian Buddhists, it was particularly interesting. I think reincarnation is a fascinating subject and I believe in it to some extent. I feel you always have to keep an open mind, be prepared to learn new things and meet new people, and always try to live in the best way that you can and not hurt other people.
You learn through the experiences of all the things that happen to you. 'whenever life is really bad, you have to think that well, you know, maybe you can learn something from it. So, if you have a bad time or something really sad happens in your life, you have to try to find a positive side to it. AH kinds of terrible things happen all through your life, there's death and violence and all the awful things you read about in the newspapers every day, and you just have to... Isuppose... try not to get too depressed by everything and think about the posi¬tive side of things.
1 don't know if I'm particularly obsessive, habit-wise. I like to do different things each day. That was why I started being a freelance journalist, because every day is different. I hate being in some kind of routine which is always the same every day and I can easily get bored if I don't have some kind of intellectual stimulation all the time. That's why it's interesting to live abroad, in another coun¬try. There's always something that's different, there's always something new, something to learn,
I'm similar, I think, in personality to my mother. People always say that she's really calm and easy¬going. She's always very friendly to guests and visi¬tors, and if I take Mends home to stay, she's always really nice and charming to them, although she can be quite critical of people. I don't know if this is a particularly English thing, where on the surface people seem so polite and friendly but maybe behind somebody's back they're not quite the same person, but it has been in my experience. My mother always has an interesting outlook on life, and she's very perceptive. She often points out lit¬tle things that I don't notice.
My dad is very placid, he's very calm and very sweet. He's a great big man, over six foot tall, but now he's had a hip operation, he can hardly walk, which is sad because he has had such an active and sporty life. He's still quite cheerful generally, but the pain makes him really grumpy and depressed at times. He watches TV a lot now that he's retired and he still bets on horses, a great hobby of his. He's very soft and sweet, not a typical strict father, andhe's always been very easy-going. When I was a child, both my parents were very relaxed, and I could do what I wanted to most of the time. I could learn to drive when I was seventeen, take the car out and go and visit friends, and they would never say things like "You must be home at twelve o'clock!", or "Where have you been?". They would always be almost disinterested in a way, kind of detached. They had an attitude like "Let the chil¬dren get on with their own lives and don't inter¬fere!". Maybe it might seem like they didn't care, or that they were cold, but I don't know, it's just the English way, They don't want to interfere as much in other people's lives, and let people get on with their own thins.
I sometimes think I hardly know my brothers, because when I was little, while I was growing up, they weren't at home. One was away at boarding school and the other one at university, so I hardly ever saw them. I've seen my brother Nigel much more recently. He's very funny, he's always really witty and you can have a good laugh with him and joke about. I've seen my other brother so rarely of late, but we talk on the phone a bit these days. He calls me from Hong Kong or sends me E-mail at work, and that's quite nice, to re-establish contact. I think we're all quite similar. We're all quite easy¬going, hard-working, and enjoy being busy all the time and don't like just sitting around and doing nothing. My friend Jo lives in London. She's now a televi¬sion producer. She makes films for BBC and for Channel 4 about all kinds of really strange and interesting subjects. We met at university when she was studying Spanish, and for a while I studied Spanish so I knew a lot of people in that depart¬ment, I think we became friends through social activities though. We used to go out to discos all the time, or concerts and we ended up sharing a flat in Leeds, but then we lost touch with each other for quite a long time. She's very artistic, one of these people who's very intense and highly-strung. So, she can be very sensitive, or then sud¬denly she can be very affectionate, and then very angry....

По Мерфи, да как-то изначально понятен был и видимо еще с университета заложилось.
Про Round-up уже думала, сейчас Мерфи доделаю и на него перейду, закреплю знания.
Я еще по Галицинскому занималась...но он напоминает Бонка, с ним у меня эмоциональныевоспоминания не хорошие, поэтому..редко задания делаю.

Насчет текстов, очень хорошая вещь. Я беру с BBC статьи разные из раздела "живой английский" и перевожу "двойным" переводом. Правда вот тут поняла, что т.к. нет русского перевода изначально, то мой перевод может быть ошибочным и когда я обратно перевожу по своему русскому на английский, то ошибки на ошибки накладываются.
Так что, нужно искать статьи с переводом.

Вы откуда берете? Пахотин "Живой английский" это книга?
Киньтесь ссылкой плиззз, я бы позанималась

А вы перевод двойной не делаете текста?

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